Instrument Use Analysis Request

If you need assistance prior to completion of the form (e.g., you're unsure about which instrument, preparation of samples, etc.) please contact the EAF Director. Please fill out this request form for each individual day/run; in other words, do not request multiple days on one request form unless the run/analysis is expected to be overnight.

Before completing the request for time you should review the instrument calendars.

Personal Information

New User or Existing User:

Isotope Analysis: (Check all that apply)

Scanning Electron Microscope: (Check all that apply)

Sample Preparation and Standards

Requestor will prep samples and standards?*
Requestor will need facility-provided standards?*

Will you need access to a microbalance (IRMS and EA only)?*
Will you need access to sample acid digestion units?*
Will you need access to extraction or sputter coating system?*


Do you need training on Sample/Standard Preparation?*
Do you need training on the Instrument?*